Open source test results service adopted by renal patients

UK-wide online system letting patients see results within hours of a test may be used by other specialities

This is an unusual example of a system built by a couple of NHS organisations in one nation – health boards in Scotland in this case – which is then adopted by units across the UK. Continue reading “Open source test results service adopted by renal patients”

Why broadband in Britain is what it is

Johnny from America has emailed about an article I wrote in 2007 on broadband in Britain, including why it takes so long to install. “This article came up during my recent quest to find out why everything seems so backward and archaic as it pertains to obtaining broadband internet access in the England,” he writes, adding that in the US, you can often buy a cable modem, call a provider, plug the modem in and be online in half an hour. “This is quite the contrast to here, would you not agree?” he asks.
Continue reading “Why broadband in Britain is what it is”

CI Colin Paine, the tweeting policeman of West Oxfordshire

A version of this article appeared in Chipping Norton News, March 2012

Chipping Norton’s neighbourhood and community support police officers are opening an account on Twitter.

Continue reading “CI Colin Paine, the tweeting policeman of West Oxfordshire”