After the score-draw Cameron-Miliband clash of last week, and the seven-way leaders’ debate last night, I have rounded up Election 2015 for Beacon readers with five weeks to go, concluding:
What all this means is Britain may well be about to elect no government, or at least not a stable one: as Jon Stewart used to brand US election campaigns, we’re heading for Indecision 2015. When in Britain no party gets a majority of seats on a local authority, the council concerned is said to belong to ‘no overall control’. On 8 May, we may have to hoist that sign over the whole country.
It has after all been a month of strange portents: partial solar eclipses, the reburial of a half-millennium dead king, Jeremy Clarkson whacking a producer. As used on Beacon, I did get a decent picture of one of these events, thanks to just the right amount of cloud over Oxfordshire.