Today and tomorrow, I will be writing updates on Scotland’s referendum on independence every few hours for Beacon. To clarify, in the title ‘The end of Britain, possibly – LIVE!’, Britain refers to the country also known as the UK, not the islands we’re sitting on just off the north-west coast of Europe…
@samathieson @MrMalky @BeaconReader Um I’m pretty sure that the land mass will remain unchanged.
— Simone (@cee4cat) September 18, 2014
@samathieson @MrMalky @BeaconReader Maybe, but it did sound like the apocalypse was coming (don’t think No Thanks has mention that one yet) — Simone (@cee4cat) September 18, 2014
Whatever happens, the sun is going to rise over the islands tomorrow morning. Possibly behind some clouds, but that’s normal.
Below is my piece for Guardian Healthcare Professionals, published on Tuesday, looking at how NHS Scotland may fare under independence. Continue reading “How Scotland’s NHS would be affected by a yes vote”