One nice thing about Beacon is that every article has to have a header image. So in writing the Ends of Britain series, I increasingly take photos when I visit somewhere. A selection of header photos appears above; there are links to the articles from the image pages.
It is quite a challenge to take a header photo that will work, as Beacon is a responsive site, changing its design based on the device used. That means it varies what it shows of an header image, depending on the width of a web browser window, from a narrow strip on a big screen to a normal landscape on a mobile phone. As a result, the ideal header photo is a wide landscape image with the most interesting elements at its top… although I quite like ones where someone is also going on further down as well, such as in the UKIP poster image.
These photos tend to illustrate articles about a specific place, although I also use my photos as stock photography, such as for articles about Scotland and CCTV use. Another way of looking at the place-based articles is to map them; see below. I have also added Beacon pieces to my general map of articles and photos, underneath.
Blue: articles & posts on healthcare (IT, management)
Red: articles & posts on non-healthcare IT (government, other)
Purple: articles & posts on other subjects (also here)
Yellow: articles for The Ends of Britain series on Beacon (subscription required)
Green: photographs (also here)